New in version PLASIMO-9.0 (compared to 8.1):


  • Particle Growth Model
    The model describes time-dependently the spatially average nucleation, coagulation, charging and surface growth processes of dust particles.
  • Particle Tracker Model
    The model calculates an electric field and then follows the motion of a user-specified collection of test particles in that field.
  • Ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model
    A coupled system is set up for the continuity, momentum, energy and induction equations. The system is ideal which means that thermal conductivity, viscous stress and magnetic viscosity are not included. The model is restricted to 2D structured meshes.
    A tool that converts mixture input files from CHEMKIN to PLASIMO format


  • The 2T Ambipolar module now supports multiple simultaneous EM calculations. This can be used, for example, to combine a (quasi-)electrostatic EM model with a microwave model.
  • Drift-Diffusion module
    • The model supports now radiation transport calculations.
    • Section InitialDensity is now more strictly checked for meaningful input.
  • Global Model:
    • Added a new type [Custom] for the GasTemperature and ElectronTemperature options. The user can now specify a function of time or a lookup table.
    • The ReducedElectricField section can now use the global Declarations in the model.
    • A better strategy for scaling the pressure has been implemented. This is relevant for models that include flow losses.
    • In case flow losses are included, the user can now request additional output for the pressure and the flow rate.
  • Model input file is written as an output, but now only after the model has been successfully installed.
  • The built-in BOLSIG+ library has been upgraded to version 07/2024.
  • If BOLSIG+ is used in a model, the EEDF output file now also includes the anisotropy.
  • ElasticEnergyTransfer and ReactionList[LXCat] sections allow now only the appropriate cross section types.
  • DVODE and LSODE steppers can now be used in the Surface Chemistry model.
  • Various improvements in the ZDPlasKin2PLASIMO conversion tool.

    • Global Model:
      • The EEDF section has been moved outside of section [Mixture].
    • Drift-Diffusion model:
      • The optional leaf ElectricForce is now outside of section Flow.
      • Section ElasticEnergyTransfer has been changed such that multiple Process sub-sections of different types can be listed inside section ElasticEnergyTransfer[List].

    Bug Fixes

    • Reaction list of type [EDFOnly] no longer accepts cross sections with negative energy.
    • The Drift-Diffusion model now correctly handles detailed balancing.
    • The Flow module now calculates correctly the mass flux density on unstructured meshes.

    For the complete list of changes and fixes, please refer to the NEWS file in the PLASIMO package.

    For any additional information, please send an email to