About us

Plasma Matters

Diana Mihailova

Diana Mihailova

CEO, Plasma Matters B.V.


+31 40 247 3090

Wouter Graef

Wouter Graef

CTO, Plasma Matters B.V.


+31 40 247 3090

Jesper Janssen

Jesper Janssen

CRO, Plasma Matters B.V.


+31 40 247 3090

Kevin van 't Veer

Kevin van 't Veer

Researcher, Plasma Matters B.V.


+31 40 247 3090

Eindhoven University of Technology

Oktober 2015

EPG-spinoff company Plasma Matters


The Plasma project moved from the group ETP to the group Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges (EPG) of Prof. Gerrit Kroesen.


The code was rewritten by Dany Benoy in the language C and was called PLASIMO, an acronym for PLAsma SImulation MOdel.


The idea came up in the group Equilibrium and Transport in Plasmas (ETP) of Prof. Daniel C. Schram to construct a more 'complete' plasma model that would predict spectroscopic plasma quantities as well as other plasma properties, such as densities, temperatures and the electromagnetic and flow fields.